Consulting, Immersive Worlds
A documentary series about the media struggle in times of war.

The war in Ukraine is also a war of words and media—a fight for truth and reliable information. It’s crucial to spotlight those who face this battle daily, which is exactly what we did with “words & weapons”.

We followed journalists and media professionals as they navigated their fight for press freedom, documented their wartime daily lives, and helped them share their stories.

As a consultant, I collaborated with Team 30 at the Freetech Academy to develop the concept and guide the project’s production and storytelling.

[The Story]

When war erupted in Ukraine, the battle for truth became as crucial as the physical conflict. As disinformation spread and press freedoms came under attack, journalists found themselves on the frontlines of a different kind of warfare - one fought with words, cameras, and unwavering determination to uncover truth.

Why the story matters
war crimes complaints were filed at the International Criminal Court in 2022.
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independant media oulets in Russia were shut down after the invasion into Ukraine started.
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Journalists fled Russia between February and October 2022.
[The Challenge]

We needed to document the complex reality of wartime journalism while ensuring the safety of our team and subjects. The challenge was to capture authentic stories from journalists operating under extreme pressure, from those fleeing Russia's new media laws to reporters dodging bullets in Ukraine.

[The Approach]

Working with Team 30 at the Freetech Academy, we developed a documentary series that would take viewers into journalism's "machine room" during wartime. Our crew traveled across Europe, following individual journalists like Sergey Smirnov, who fled Russia, and correspondents reporting from Ukraine's frontlines. Through intimate portraits and behind-the-scenes access, we revealed the personal and professional struggles of those fighting to preserve press freedom.

[The Outcome]

The resulting five-part documentary series provides unprecedented insight into wartime journalism's challenges and importance. By showcasing real stories of media professionals risking everything for truth, we created a powerful testament to journalism's vital role in times of conflict. The series serves as both historical documentation and a reminder of why free press matters more than ever.


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